
Course Description

Social Media Analytics: Data Gathering, Social Listening and Analysis with Multi-platform Tools

Let’s look at what is driving the demand for Social Media Analytics.

  • The Global Number of Social Media users is 5,220,000,000, which represents 62% of the world population (Dixon, 2024).
  • The largest company platform, Meta (Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp) generated $134 billion in annual revenue. This was due to the fact that 86% of marketers worldwide use Facebook for marketing purposes (Dixon).
  • Another Meta platform, Instagram, had a year over year growth rate of 25% as of January 2024 (Dixon).
  • Ad Spending to reach the 5.2 billion Social Media Users was $170.3 billion (Dixon).

The enormous worldwide and continued growth of social media users, requires a strong focus on the return on investment (ROI) and the effectiveness of the Social Media Marketing expense. The demand for social media analytics provides a great opportunity to specialize your marketing career using data-driven techniques. In addition to using social media to promote products and services, Social Media Analytics (SMA) provides companies a way to harvest data to make better marketing decisions for their target markets. SMA opens the window to see what customers are saying about their and their competitor’s products. With access to SMA companies can build user profiles making the marketing decisions more effective. This 4-week course in Social Media Analytics provides you a strong platform to continue to build upon and expand your analytics skills and experience.

Dixon, S. J. (2024, July 16). Social media - statistics & facts. Statista.com. Retrieved from https://www.statista.com/topics/1164/social-networks/#topicOverview

Learner Outcomes

  1. Develop a clear understanding of the processes and techniques of social media data collection, analysis and visualization.
  2. Learn how to identify and measure the total investment in social media activities.
  3. Explain and apply the logic of optimization for the SMA (Social Media Analytics) techniques and processes.
  4. Run experiments to determine the best promotion using A/B testing and analytics.
  5. Engage in social listening and content analysis to learn customer sentiment.
  6. Master the use of Google Analytics as a powerful tool to measure the ROI (Return on Investment) of social media and gain insights into user behavior, engagement and conversion tracking.

Course Format

This course is offered 100% online via asynchronous delivery spanning 4 weeks. Students should anticipate spending 4-6 hours per week to complete required exercises and assignments.

This course is delivered through our online learning platform called Canvas. Generally there are no set class meeting days or times for online asynchronous courses, but students are responsible for logging into Canvas, managing their time and completing the course requirements by the scheduled weekly due dates. The instructor will be available online via Canvas / email or scheduled appointment for questions.

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Section Title
Social Media Analytics: Data Gathering, Social Listening and Analysis with Multi-platform Tools
Mar 17, 2025 to Apr 13, 2025
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
A614 tuition $475.00
Potential Discount(s)
Drop Request Deadline
Dec 03, 2024 to Apr 13, 2025
Transfer to a Different Course
No transfer request allowed after enrollment. Students may drop a course and re-enroll in a new course prior to the course start date.
Section Notes

This course is offered 100% online via asynchronous delivery spanning 4 weeks. Students should anticipate spending 4-6 hours per week to complete required exercises and assignments.

This course is delivered through our online learning platform called Canvas. Generally there are no set class meeting days or times for online asynchronous courses, but students are responsible for logging into Canvas, managing their time and completing the course requirements by the scheduled weekly due dates. The instructor will be available online via Canvas / email or scheduled appointment for questions.

Registration Closes

Enrollment for this course closes at 11:59pm Eastern the day before the course starts or until all seats are sold, whichever comes first. If all course seats sell out prior to that time, the course page will indicate a status of either Full or Join Wait List.
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