Refund and Withdrawal Policies

Credit-Bearing Courses
Non-Credit Professional Development Courses

Undergraduate and Graduate Credit-Bearing Courses

To drop a credit-bearing course, students must log in to your Student Portal and request a drop from your Enrollment History tab. Note: Non-attendance of classes and verbal or email messages to faculty or staff do not constitute official notification. Failure to formally submit a drop request will result in a grade of "NF (No Show)." Further, you will be responsible for all tuition charges.

Refund Schedule for Summer Term Undergraduate & Graduate Credit-Bearing Courses:

During the Summer Term, students from other colleges and universities may enroll in credit-bearing courses through Professional Studies.

  • Courses may be dropped online for a full refund prior to the first day of class. 
  • If a course has already met once, you are eligible for a 75% tuition refund.
  • If a course has already met twice, you are eligible for a 50% tuition refund.
  • If a course has already met three times, you must withdraw from it to remove it from your schedule. Withdrawn courses are not refundable.

Refund Schedule for Fall and Spring Term Undergraduate & Graduate Credit-Bearing Courses:

Enrollment in the Fall and Spring is restricted to Emerson alumni approved to participate in the Teaching Licensure practicum and seminar courses for Theatre Education.

  • During the first two weeks of classes: 80% refund of tuition
  • During the third week: 60% refund of tuition
  • During the fourth week: 40% refund of tuition
  • During the fifth week: 20% refund of tuition
  • After the fifth week: No refund is made

Please note: registration fees, convenience fees and miscellaneous fees are nonrefundable. Read more about convenience fees.

Non-Credit Professional Development Courses

To drop a non-credit course or workshop (courses beginning with the course code "CE"), students must log in to your Student Portal and request a drop from your Enrollment History tab. Note: Non-attendance of classes and verbal or email messages to faculty or staff do not constitute official notification. Failure to formally submit a drop request will result in a grade of "NF (No Show)" Further, you will be responsible for all tuition charges.

Refund Schedule for Synchronous (set days and times) Non-Credit Courses:

  • Prior to the first scheduled date of any course/workshop: 100% refund 
  • After one (1) or two (2) sessions of a course/workshop with three (3) or more sessions: 50% refund. NO REFUND THEREAFTER.
  • NO REFUND for dropping a one (1) or two (2) session course/workshop after the first session has met.

Refund Schedule for Asynchronous (no set days and times) Non-Credit Courses:

  • Prior to the first scheduled date of any course/workshop: 100% refund 
  • Days 1-4 of the course: 50% refund
  • Day 5 of the course and thereafter, NO REFUND

Reservation of Rights

Emerson College reserves the right to change any provision of its programs and courses at any time. The College specifically reserves the right to change its tuition rates and any other financial charges. The College also reserves the right to rearrange its courses and class hours, to drop courses for which registration falls below the minimum enrollment, and to change instructor assignments.

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