
Course Description

5-Session Online Course

Whether building a personal brand, growing a small business, or advocating for social change, the work of establishing a social media presence is essential for successfully connecting with audiences and communities. This course empowers students to conceptualize, design, and produce engaging content for the major social platforms. Topics will include optimizing video production for mobile delivery, analyzing the effectiveness of social campaigns, and enhancing the process with the ethical use of AI tools. Through social media case studies and practical hands-on exercises, students will learn to make a positive impact in the digital realm. 

Learner Outcomes

  • Use branding and storytelling to create an effective social media presence
  • Learn best practices for creating content on the major social media platforms
  • Produce video content for Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube
  • Understand how to enhance production workflows with generative AI tools
  • Evaluate and interpret algorithms and analytics for optimizing social content


Students participating in Professional Studies non-credit courses must possess a minimum of a High School diploma and must be an adult age 18 or older. Non-credit courses are taken primarily by professionals seeking to develop new skills, broaden their expertise, and build a knowledge base for their professional or personal goals. No application is required. Simply enroll by adding a course to your shopping cart and follow the steps during the checkout process.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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Section Title
Production for Social Media
6:00PM to 9:00PM
Oct 15, 2024 to Dec 03, 2024
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
  • Emerson College
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
A614 tuition $475.00
Drop Request Deadline
May 15, 2024 to Oct 22, 2024
Transfer to a Different Course
No transfer request allowed after enrollment. Students may drop a course and re-enroll in a new course prior to the course start date.
Section Notes

The class schedule is set for Tuesday, October 15, 22, 29, November 5, and December 3, 2024. The three-week gap before the last session is allocated for students to focus on their final project.

Technology/ Software:

(Preferred) Adobe Premiere Part of Adobe Creative Cloud - requires monthly subscription https://www.adobe.com/

iMovie (minimum requirement) Available for phone, tablet/iPad, and computer https://www.apple.com/imovie/

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